845 781 7781



             DOG 101


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Why Mobile Grooming?

Mobile grooming has significant advantages over the brick and mortar structure . .

For you the pet parent, Ruffin’ It Pet Spa offers extraordinary convenience and a stress free quality of life experience:

* no more taking hours out of your day or your schedule being disrupted by repetitive trips to the groomer. You won’t have to worry about what time to drop off or pick up your pet, where you’ll be at the pick up time, and making it back before the shop closes at the end of the day your day is yours so you can do with it what want;

* no longer will you have to rush to an appointment because you’re sitting in traffic or running late; nor will you have a dirty dog and dog hair in your car (only to add that to your cleaning list of things to do);

* no more will you wait in the reception area or experience traumatizing effects of a standard grooming facility;

* with Ruffin’ It Pet Spa appointments are easy to schedule and we come to you!

For your VIP (Very Important Pet), Ruffin’ It Pet Spa offers a stress free quality of life experience as well:

* there’s no chance for your pet to get car sick or have an “accident” on the way to an  appointment;

* we never cage any pet, ever – your VIP won’t be waiting in a cage to be groomed; dried in a cage while the groomer is working on the next dog; or locked up for an extended period of time waiting for you to pick him up;

* your pet won’t be exposed to other pets’ potential illness or parasites;

* there are no barking dogs, no phones ringing, no multiple dogs feeding off of each other’s energy, no pacing, no competing for time or attention – your dog will be groomed in a quiet, non-hectic environment;

* your VIP receives one-on-one attention from start to finish – from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail – for the entire appointment, and will enjoy a wonderful pampering experience;

* your pet won’t experience separation anxiety and will be more calm and comfortable in his own domain – he feels at home because he is at home;

* as soon as his grooming is complete (most pets are groomed in about one hour), your pet is promptly returned to the comfort and security of the four walls of your home, feeling relaxed and happy – and of course, looking mighty spiffy!

At Ruffin’ It Pet Spa, your pets’ safety and health is our # 1 concern:

* all of our clients are handled safely, with care, and always with a slow, calm, gentle   approach;

* our state of the art vehicle is fully self contained and carries only the most up to date equipment;

* our mobile spa is meticulously cleaned and sanitized after each grooming appointment;

* we welcome you to check out our vehicle when we arrive for your appointment!

One of our goals is to consistently work with pet parents – we want you to be comfortable and have peace of mind as we feel privileged that you have trusted your precious family member to our care. Ruffin’ It Pet Spa pampers both you and your pet with the individual attention and service you both deserve!